Copywriting & Pr from Lawrence & Pierce in Nottingham with a passion for Branding Design Communication now with Diversity Marketing

/ find out what we do

/ copywriting

We’ve all had that moment when we’ve looked across a crowded room and seen someone drop dead gorgeous…only for them to open their mouth and start talking…

If the voice doesn’t go with the look, it ruins the overall effect somewhat.

That’s why words are such an important part of our creative ideas, from attention grabbing headlines to well-written copy, designed to speak your brand and communicate your message in a way that will make your audience sit up and listen.

We’re more than happy to write your copy from scratch or polish your own words to make sure they’re perfect, whichever suits you. Plus, we can help you ensure your tone of voice works with your look – beautifully.

& PR

/ PR

PR is a great complement to other forms of marketing such as advertising – plus it’s a great way to stretch your budget! Rather than blowing your own trumpet, PR works by getting other people to blow your trumpet…which isn’t as ‘Carry On’ as it sounds!

Those ‘other people’ are trusted voices as far as your customers are concerned, whether they’re journalists from relevant trade publications or leading lights from radio & TV.

We can help turn your everyday news into stories which will help put your brand in the spotlight, from writing and distributing press releases and editorial features to devising and organising photo shoots, product launches and one-off PR events.