/ advertising / Crisis
/ thinking inside the box
There are times when words and pictures aren’t enough. Like when you need to make people sit up and notice of an issue that’s easier to ignore.
That’s the problem that Crisis faced – the UK’s leading charity for single homeless people. How could they raise awareness of homelessness, and harder still, get people in power to do something about it?

/ advertising / Crisis / thinking inside the box
/ what we did and how we did it
Just like always, we began by talking to the right people – those that have actually experienced homelessness.
It became clear that we needed to raise awareness by getting people to step into another’s shoes for a moment so they could experience, on some level, what it feels like to be homeless. So we created a big glass box, a box that you couldn’t see into – only out of. We put the Crisis Box on the streets of London and invited people to step inside – including journalists and MPs as well as members of the public. Inside, individuals listened to a recording of real homeless people talking – whilst experiencing the feeling of being able to see the world going on around you, whilst nobody notices you are there.
In addition, we designed a Crisis Box microsite and viral email campaign aimed at encouraging people to lobby their MP for action.
Crisis we’re over the moon with their box – not least because it’s given them a resource they can use time and time again.
“The Crisis Box campaign has generated national media coverage and given us a deeper dialogue with decision-makers and the people who influence them.”
Mark Flanagan, Director of Communications, Crisis