/ advertising / Greyhound
/ a little animal magic
You may think it’s easy creating adverts for a name as well known as Greyhound. We’ve all seen the movies and imagined jumping aboard and taking off on a road trip with a twist.
Trouble is, the movies aren’t real life and when Greyhound launched in the UK they had to capture the imagination of us British folk. Forget Twinkies and Sunset Strip, Greyhound Blighty style is all about British icons, from London to the South Coast Riviera.

/ advertising / Greyhound / a little animal magic
/ what we did and how we did it
As you can see, our creative concept idea tapped into the British love of dogs to get people talking about Greyhound. We thought it was a great way of making the brand special and unique to the UK, whilst getting across the idea that Greyhound is fast, sleek, stylish, friendly, reliable and lovable – just like a real greyhound!
For this concept, we let the pictures do the talking, by using photography with a hint of glamour and a big dollop of humour, whilst keeping the words simple. Being outdoors, as well as in the press, these ads had to shout even louder than usual so we made sure they communicated all the benefits of Greyhound as clearly as possible, whilst leaving a smile on people’s faces.
Dogs rule, people drool…